Increase brand mentions

Business Benefits

Expand your brand reach and authority.

Use social listening tools to understand the current frequency and sentiment of your brand mentions.

Personally engage with brand mentions to showcase your responsiveness and encourage others to mention you.

Build relationships with popular industry accounts online, including influencers.

Write and publish guest content on relevant industry blogs and websites, with a linked brand mention included.

Use your social media accounts as a primary customer service channel for your audience.

Encourage product reviews that mention your brand name or tag your account.

Work with content creators and influencers to mention your brand in their content.

Speak or present about your brand’s core competency at industry events. Encourage your audience to mention your brand when posting about it.

Monitor your brand mentions over time to find trends and identify content responsible for driving the most mentions.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T10:44:26Z

Some recommendations around tools would be helpful. For example, I use Buzzsumo because it is free to get started. But there might be better tools out there.

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There’s a good playbook on social listening tools coming through soon, @boagworld – in the meantime I’ve added a link to a rather skeletal playbook on how to choose a social listening tool.

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