Help users to move through your website

Business benefits

Improve UX and make it easier and more rewarding for users to move through your engagement or conversion process.

Identify the digital items that your audience use to move through your website. Think about things like menus, search functions, and call to action (CTA) buttons.

Thinking about your interactive designs as aids for helping people navigate a space can help you to change your focus from getting your audience to click on a button to helping them follow a process that they are motivated to get through.

Add directional cues to guide your audience to the parts of a page that will move them forward through the website.

For example, a visual of a person looking away from a landing page form will make your audience less likely to notice the form, while an arrow pointing towards it increases awareness and conversion rates.

Emphasize CTA buttons so that they’re the first thing your audience sees when on a page. Use action verbs, high-contrast colors, and unique shapes.

Supply high quality rewards that reinforce the forward movement that you want to encourage through your website.

High-quality content will make it more likely for users who read it to click on future CTAs from you again. Low-quality content, clickbait, or material that didn’t line up with the initial trigger promises lowers the odds that the audience will trust you enough to click on a CTA again in the future.

Check that the promise on each of your CTAs matches the reward that it leads to. Underpromise and overdeliver to surprise and delight your audience.

Underpromising and overdelivering can turn into a significant motivator for your audience, increasing their chances of being delighted by the reward and making them more likely to follow through on content and facilitators from your brand in the future. Underdelivering leaves your audience disappointed and damages the prospects of building a long-term relationship with those users.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T10:08:52Z