Choose the right Amazon ad type

Based on {link} by {author}. (if relevant)

Business benefits

Get the best ROI on your Amazon ads

Choose Sponsored Product ads to display natively in search and under images on product pages.

These ads are the most effective and will generate the most amount of money. They look like an organic product in the search results and do not look like an ‘ad’.

Choose Sponsored Brand ads for different placements such as headlines in the search.

Sponsored Brand ads target different placements such as headline search and certain areas inside of the product detail page. Their goal is to drive traffic to the storefront and they also have video.
You will mostly see these when you type in a keyword, it’s the first big image at the top of the screen, there are three products attached to it that you can click on that and it’ll either take you to a specific ‘landing page’ that just shows these products it will take you to the storefront on Amazon for your store.

It’s a useful type of ad, for example, if you’re targeting something that could be used for boys or girls, someone clicks on the ad then it takes them to the storefront you choose. Whether they want stuff for boys or for girls, the options are there.

Choose Sponsored Display ads for banner ads on different pages with retargeting options.

Sponsored Display ads also have different types of inventory. They are banners that you’ll see on the side, top, and bottom of the footer. Also, when you’re inside the product detail page, you’ll see it under the buy box and in different areas.

Sponsored Display also has the ability and is very effective in retargeting. It’s the only type of ad, for example, where you can go on Amazon and say, I want to retarget people who visited my listing in the last 60 days, 90 days, or 120 days; and can retarget those people by selecting that audience.

Choose Sponsored Video ads for video format ads in search and on product pages.

Sponsored Video is the only way you can showcase the product in a nice format. It is more effective having a full video where you can go through all of the benefits of someone using a product and all of the key features, making it easier to convert.

Monitor your Cost Per Session in Analytics if using multiple different ad types.

Make sure that the Cost Per Session is not creeping up and people are clicking on different ad types for example, if you think that video is effective but it’s just targeting the same people and you’re not getting a good return on investment. If the same person clicks on all ad types, you will get charged 3 times.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T18:08:34Z