Build a project prioritization framework

Business Benefits

Improve your projects to meet your overall strategic and financial goals.

Initiate a team meeting with key stakeholders and vital team members to lay out the purpose of your organization and how to best pursue that purpose through projects.

Create a list of criteria for what makes a project high priority, medium priority, or low priority, considering your strategic and financial goals, and the impact each project has on your bottom line.

If your primary goal is doubling your revenue, a high priority project may be one that would target your top-spending prospects at the decision-stage of the buyer’s journey. Or, if your main goal is to retain customers, a project to attract more inbound leads would be low priority.

Make a list of current projects in which you organize them into categories for high priority, medium priority, and low priority.

For example, a high priority project may be one that has a sense of urgency or a high level of potential reward, such as producing a content offer to correspond to an upcoming webinar. A low priority project might be something that isn’t anticipated to have a big impact or isn’t time sensitive, such as a bonus infographic for contacts who download a white paper or a seasonal blog post for a holiday that is many months away.

Create a separate list and organize current projects by effort: high effort, medium effort, and low effort.

Cross check the two lists and label projects using the two criteria.

They should look like high priority-low effort, high priority-medium effort, and so on.

Use the framework to sort out non-negotiable projects, projects that are important but not vital, projects that would be nice to complete, and projects that aren’t important or aren’t realistic at this juncture.

For example, a high priority project in-progress might be non-negotiable, but a low priority, high effort project may be not realistic.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T11:40:22Z