Use psychology in conversion rate optimization

Psychology can turn interactive media into a powerful persuasive tool.

You can apply psychological principles to your website in:

  • Digital strategy.
  • Structures and layout.
  • Content development and creation.
  • Processes and user flows.
  • UI elements.
  • Visual design.

Common elements of CRO design

There are some common perspectives used to create conversion-oriented websites:

  • Psychological: Using how people feel and think on a conceptual level to predict behaviors. Evaluating a landing page from a psychological perspective may focus on users feeling confident, anticipating a reward, or boosting self-efficacy.
  • Neurological: Focuses on the complex mechanisms that drive behavior through emotions. Evaluating a landing page from a neurological perspective may focus on what triggers the rewards system, and whether the user has a fight or flight reaction.
  • Industry standards: Uses principles that industry experts have empirically determined to work within context over years or decades of experience. Evaluating a landing page from an industry standards perspective may focus on the presence of a value proposition, social proof, or sufficient product benefits and features.

The CugelGaard system

Developed by behavioral psychologist Brian Cugelman and conversion designer Michael Aagaard, the CugelGaard system is designed for industry applications. This system focuses on the fewest, most high-impact principles of CRO design that are easy to identify and apply.


Analyze your conversion-focused pages using the Audience-Influence model and Cugelman Emotion Map. Edit them to improve issues that you discover.

Chart standard visitor journeys through your website and develop visual and language cues to help users navigate.

Add trust elements and scarcity motivators to your product pages. Tweak product copy to provide a mental picture of the product.

Design better processes to increase conversion and minimize process abandonment.

Apply psychological concepts to your UI to optimize conversion.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T10:08:39Z