Use copy to create desire

Business Benefits

Generate more interest in your offer and improve conversion rates.

Answer the question, What’s in it for me? from a user’s perspective, to channel and direct your users’ wants into your copy and target their individual desires.

Inform your copy and CTAs by finishing the phrase “I want…” from your user’s perspective.

All that matters to end users is what they want, not what they have to do to get it. For example, if users land on your page to download an ebook, use copy that reflects the value of doing so and CTAs that complete the phrase, like Download ebook.

Use data or story-driven testimonials to add elements of likability and social proof, and target social desires.

Structure your copy in a question and answer format to create a narrative based around a central idea, and target both individual and social desires.

For example, Weight Watchers targets both desires by channeling all of Oprah’s enthusiasm, optimism, and authenticity through a question and answer narrative based around the idea, If she can do it, so can you.

Use hero images that clearly highlight the desire your product or service aims at.

Add logos of prominent customers to create the social desire to be associated with successful brands.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T12:10:50Z