Measure influencer marketing campaigns

Business benefits

Evaluate the success of your influencer campaign compared to your goals and benchmarks to adjust future campaign strategies.

Create a measurement framework for social media, including social media’s role for your brand, long-term and short-term social media goals, and what metrics you want to prioritize.

Pick direct response and brand driven influencer marketing campaign metrics to track, based on your campaign objectives.

IPA recommends a 60/40 split between brand-driven metrics, like positive sentiment and number of likes per month, and direct response-driven metrics, like unique users or conversions.

Consider using an influencer campaign platform to scale your tracking and measurement efforts.

Examples include CreatorIQ, Upfluence, Grin, and Aspire. These platforms help manage and track your influencer campaign and create analytics reports for you.

Set up specific and unique links to track click-throughs or traffic sources for direct response metrics.

Use UTM tracking codes to track which influencers are driving traffic. Shorten links using a link shortening tool, such as Bitly, to create and track links that are assigned to one influencer.

Create an influencer tracking spreadsheet, with columns like Post date, Likes, Comments, Post link, and Traffic.

Update your influencer tracking spreadsheet at least weekly once the campaign launches.

For short campaigns, such as ones that are under a month, consider recording metrics for your campaign more frequently to help make timely adjustments.

Make adjustments to your strategy, like your paid amplification budget, during the campaign to optimize ad spend.

During the campaign, consider moving around your ad spend to amplify your influencer’s content based on the results so far. Consider using tools like Mention or Hootsuite to analyze brand mentions and audience sentiment during your campaign to see if you should wait it out or take immediate action, if you’re not seeing the results you’re looking for.

Compare your metrics to your internal benchmarks and goals once the campaign is over.

For example, if your goal was to get a certain number of app downloads, answer:

  • Did you reach that goal?
  • How much did each conversion cost?
  • Which influencers converted the most people?
  • Which post had the most engagement?

Create an easy-to-understand campaign report, when your campaign concludes, to deliver learnings and results to stakeholders.

Include the campaign’s:

  • Name
  • Timeline
  • Objectives
  • Audience
  • Messaging
  • Most important results
  • Learnings
  • Top-performing influencers
  • Top-performing posts
  • Key statistics.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T10:08:37Z