Import templates into your container

Business Benefits

Make your container safer, faster, and more manageable.

Open a Google Tag Manager container, navigate to Templates, and click Search Gallery in the Tag Templates to access the Community Template Gallery.

Click Search Gallery to open the Community Template Gallery

Search for a template in the Gallery listing based on your requirements.

For example, search for Facebook Pixel to install the Facebook Pixel template.

Facebook’s official pixel template in the gallery search results

Click Add To Workspace in the template listing overlay to import the template to your container.

Create a new tag after the template is installed and select the new template in the Custom category.

  1. Go to Tags in the container.
  2. Click New to start the tag creation workflow.
  3. Click the Tag Configuration to choose the tag type.
  4. Select the imported template from the Custom category.

Following the example above, to create a new tag using the newly imported Facebook Pixel template, select it under the Custom category.

Choose the imported template from the Custom category

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T11:10:21Z