Identify keywords for organic rankings on Amazon

Business benefits

Improve your organic search rankings and increase traffic to your products.

Create an account or log in to Helium 10, or use Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer for keyword research.

Either tool can be used, but Helium 10 is easier and faster than Amazon’s built-in keyword research tool.

Identify search volume of keyword using Magnet under Tools in Helium 10.

Using Magnet, you can find out the demand for searches for a certain keyword. You can enter a keyword and select run a new searchto display search volume, and then all related keywords to that keyword and what their search volume is.

Sort keywords by Search Volume to identify the highest performing keywords you will include for your product listing.

When looking for keywords on Amazon, higher search volume keywords are better as they carry the most weight for SEO.

For example, if you searched mushroom coffee and it had 43,000 searches a month. Then filter the keywords by search volume, it’ll sort it from highest to lowest, where you can read through and see which ones make the most sense to your product and have the highest search volume.

Extract keywords from competitors using the Helium 10 Chrome extension, selecting relevant products, and downloading the data.

When you click the Helium 10 Chrome extension, Xray will pull up all of your competitors, displaying background information on their price, sales, number of units per month, revenue, Amazon fees for selling that product, and how many active sellers are on the listing.

  1. Sort by Revenue to find the top competitors, making sure they are direct competitors.
  2. Hide sponsored results under Filter.
  3. Select the relevant competitor products using the checkboxes.
  4. Select Run Keyword Search.
  5. Focus mainly on Search Volume and Keyword.

Filter your extracted keywords by going to Filter and adding metrics such as Position Rank, Search Volume, and Ranking Competitors, then select Apply and Filter.

  • Position Rank: Entering 60 as a max number will exclude all keywords that are on page 3 and beyond.
  • Search Volume: Set a minimum of 350 or 500 to make sure keywords are actively being searched.
  • Ranking Competitors: Entering a number here will only focus on the number of competitors out of the products you have chosen. For example, if you chose 7 competitors and put 5 here, the report would only use 5 of them.

Build your product title and descriptions based on the keywords you have identified to be a good match.

Track organic keyword rankings through Helium 10 > Tools > Analytics > Keyword Tracker.

Select Add New Product and enter the product URL or ASIN, then enter the keywords you want to track and select Start Tracking.

Create one ad campaign with one ad group that has a maximum of 5 focus keywords.

You can push this to 10. However, the top five usually get most of the spend, and the bottom five slowly get less spend, and then beyond 10, it’s really hard to see any spend.

Navigate to your ad group and sort by spend, then scroll through the keywords to identify the keywords with slow impressions, no spend, or maybe over the last 60 days it spent $2 or $3 and you’re not even targeting those keywords.

For example, say you’re targeting a selection of different keywords, but not getting the spend or increasing sales; If this is targeting 100 keywords and five of them are getting spend, and the other 95 are hibernating, you can take those 95 out and put them in their own campaigns, five in each campaign.

Start with a low bid, and work up, then when you get traction you can spend more money and get more sales because instead of those 5 keywords bullying the other keywords and taking all of the budget, they’re able to spend across different keywords by putting them in their own campaigns.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T10:00:53Z

@hesh_fekry basing this on the takeaway in the doc:

  • Create 3 separate campaigns, 1 for broad, 1 for phrase and 1 exact
  • Use bigger bids and budgets that normal
  • Monitor and as they reach the desired rank, taper off and turn off the ads

I couldn’t find any content explaining these. I didn’t know whether these takeaways are just rough guides.