How to make the client happy when you work as CRO retainer

Hi everyone,

I’m starting a new project as a conversion rate optimizer on retainer, for a fixed rate.

There are no specific goals or projects outlined; the client simply wants more conversions and expects me to assist by working on their website/app.

I plan to undertake various activities such as setting up tracking, creating reports, and analyzing/testing hypotheses. However, without specific goals, I don’t want to solely focus on the conversion rate, as it’s not entirely within my control.

Any suggestion?

Last edited by @francescopiccirilli 2024-03-18T23:38:30Z

I suggest you identify the core problems affecting the current conversion rate. Identify the bottlenecks. Sometimes you may need to confirm from customers reasons why they are not buying… this will help a great deal.
Do your analysis using the existing data.

The client’s goal is to have increasing conversion rate. Yours is to now create a concrete goal and milestones for the goal; for instance the goal can be to have 100 conversions weekly.

I hope this helps.