Create general promotional emails

Business Benefits

Create value, drive awareness, and generate sales.

Review the performance of past emails to determine which factors correlated with the best results.

Choose specific definitions for performance. If you are interested in the overall engagement rate, look at all the engagement factors, including:

  • Open rate.
  • Click through.
  • Conversions.
  • Unsubscribe rate.

Once you’ve narrowed down the top performing emails, identify the factors that set them apart. Possible factors could be:

  • The offer.
  • Timing.
  • Segment you sent it to.
  • Subject title.

Rank the effectiveness of each factor so you can implement them accordingly. Also keep track of these for future emails.

Collect qualitative feedback to determine which offers appeal to your audience.

There are several scalable methods to collect qualitative feedback, such as:

  • Brainstorm sessions with team members and customers.
  • In-app messaging.
  • Surveys.

Crowdsource ideas from your existing customers rather than only using your own ideas. This qualitative data will complement findings from quantitative behavioral data, which you can acquire from mailing platforms and analytic tools like Google Analytics.

Create your promotional calendar to understand how many offers you need to come up with for the foreseeable future.

Generally, you should try to plan through the next calendar year, but you can scale up or down depending on your business. Here are some more considerations:

  • You should have a promotional sale every 6 weeks. If applicable, starting with holidays can help fill up a good portion of your schedule.
  • Tailor the offers to your audience. For example, electronics companies might want to advertise in advance of Cyber Monday, florists can have multiple deals for Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day.

Having dates set also allows you to automate sending in advance using platforms like Mailchimp and Sendinblue.

Segment your list to tailor content to different audiences, and set up separate email campaigns or templates for each segment.

This works best if you have a large audience with distinguishable subsets, though there are situations where segmentations make sense for smaller audiences. This can be done easily using emailing platforms mentioned before. Segmenting audiences is proven to increase open rates, click rates, and revenue.

Write copy for your emails and use tracking link (UTMs) in order to know the effectiveness of the emails.

UTMs are short pieces of code that attach to URLs that allow you to track online traffic sources. This allows you to keep track of which platforms and campaigns are earning you clicks.

  • You can generate and analyze UTMs on Google Analytics and platforms like Hootsuite.
  • Once you have your links ready, write your copy.
  • Make sure your copy has a unified voice. Have a dedicated editor review every email.
  • Cut down on duplicate labor by keeping reusable information in preset blocks.

Conduct several rounds of editing and proofreading with different team members.

Stay disciplined about spelling and grammar, since emails with typos have an 85% higher bounce rate. Proofread your email many times before you schedule it. Periodic checks leading up to mailing are also helpful to remove or replace outdated information.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T11:30:37Z

A big factor in the success of promotional emails, in my experience, is timing. By that, I am not referring to time for the day or when in the year (although those do matter in some situations), but rather the time in the user’s journey.

For example, I see promotional emails asking users to buy when the offer of a free trial might be more appropriate for where those users are in their journey.

To address this problem, you need to map the user journey and then identify timing or triggers that will allow you to identify when you should be sending what emails.