Create a look and feel for photos

Business Benefits

Enable brand-appropriate consistency for any marketing photography.

Identify your target audience, and focus on their visual preferences and the photos they typically encounter online.

Review your brand guidelines with a specific focus on brand promise, tone, and voice.

Narrow your color palette to focus on your core brand and accessible colors.

Describe the emotions that any photo should get across to your audience in 1-3 sentences.

Decide whether your images should be taken with the softer focus of natural light or the more defined contours of studio lighting.

Use your photo editor’s tone curve, HSL, and split toning to match the emotion you want to get across.

Consider strategically inserting brand graphics or textures to enhance your photo’s depth.

Use A/B tests to determine whether your photos’ unique look and feel performs better against KPIs than more straightforward, less edited photos.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T16:10:23Z

This is pure colour theory.

You need to really know what you are doing here to get the nuances right. So I would recommend letting someone with experience do this, ask someone in your design team if you have one who the best person would be.

<b>It is very easy to overcook saturation, tone and tints if you are inexperienced.
If you absolutely have to, as a newbie I would keep it very light, don’t over-do it and follow simple colour emotion charts.

Another option is to have a preset filter that you apply to all images, that way people can’t ***** it up. You can even do this automatically using a service like

Preset filters are indeed a good idea.