Calculate & maintain a healthy customer acquisition cost

Fix formulas
Get rid of image that you expect readers to read
Add more detail about free trials
Add missing LTV/CAC info
Fix Segment your CAC step
Rewrite Fix any leaks in your sales funnel step

Fix formulas

For formulas, use the backtick character before and after: `

Use parentheses (), not square brackets.

Get rid of image that you expect readers to read.

Text-heavy images are generally bad. Discourse can create tables - the easiest way to do this is to transcribe the image into a spreadsheet, copy the cells you want, and paste into your Discourse post.

Add more detail about free trials

This is a good attempt, but you’ve left out too much information and the result is confusing. Need to add in more info from the blog post.

Add missing LTV/CAC info

This is an awesome job! Just add this bit from the blog post:

The opposite is also true: three or higher means you can afford to spend more aggressively to acquire new customers.

Fix Segment your CAC step.

This is close, but you’ve misunderstood a little. There are two points here:

  • Calculate CAC for each customer segment
  • Calculate CAC for each channel, like search ads, social, and content marketing (note the lack of capitals).

They still belong in the one step; you just need to reword the step to make it clear that you’re talking about both points.

Rewrite Fix any leaks in your sales funnel step.

Whups - no. Remove the tool reference; I think you misread.

Here’s the pertinent information:

  • keep track of conversion rates across the entire funnel.
  • optimize funnel stages where leaks are occurring.

This is a good example to include:

For example, HubSpot Academy wanted to increase its sign-up rate. They used a simple exit-intent survey widget from Hotjar to ask visitors why they were about to leave the page:
Example pop-up form from Hotjar
Visitors gave answers such as: “I don’t know how this will help me with my career?” or “I cannot make an account. The form keeps asking me about a company name while I’m a jobseeker.”
By making adjustments in their landing page based on the feedback, they were able to increase conversions by 10%, leading to a direct impact on the CAC.