Calculate the customer lifetime value



Business Benefits

Forecast expected revenue and budget marketing campaigns more effectively.

Divide your total annual revenue by the number of purchases made over that year to calculate the average value of a single purchase.

Annual Revenue / Number of Purchases = Avg. Value of a Single Purchase

Calculate your average purchase frequency rate by dividing the number of purchases per year by the number of unique customers.

For example, if 1,000 customers make 2,500 purchases in a given year, your average purchase frequency rate is 2.5%.

Multiply your average purchase value by your average purchase frequency rate to calculate your customer value.

Avg. Purchase Value x Average Purchase Frequency Rate = Customer Value

Find the average number of years a customer will make purchases from your company. This is your customer lifetime span.

Multiply the average customer value by the average customer lifespan.

This number is your Customer Lifetime Value, commonly known as CLTV. It tells you the average amount a customer will spend with you in their lifetime. For example, if your average customer value is $500, and they’re a customer for three years, your CLV will be $1,500.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T11:10:28Z