Write the first draft for a sales page

Business benefits

Convert more visitors by shaping raw customer comments into compelling, data driven headlines and body copy.

Create your messaging flow, including your unique value proposition, motivation, value, and anxiety messaging, and call to action.

  • Your unique value proposition is the combination of the outcome your customer wants and your product’s unique quality to achieve that outcome.
  • Your motivation messaging addresses your audience pain point, desirable outcomes, and purchase prompts.
  • Your value messaging includes your unique benefits, how your product works, aha moments, and deal breaker needs and requirements.
  • Your anxiety messaging addresses uncertainties, objections, and perceived risks.
  • Your call to action (CTA) pays off your messaging to prompt your visitors to buy or take action.

Use a template like CXL’s sales page template, which breaks down the various sections to address.

Mine audience comments about your products. Add the most compelling messages for each category in the template.

Use the pivot table created as part of your message flow creation to identify each element to include on your sales page draft. Swipe messages from your customers that represent common phrases verbatim.

Turn exact words from customers tracked in your template into second person, you-focused narratives.

For example, turn a customer review that says, I wanted my dogs to have the freedom to come and go as they please, into a second person narrative that states, You want your dogs to have the freedom to come and go as they please.

Identify areas that can be strengthened with social proof and third party proof points.

Insert social proof and objective proof points anywhere in the message story that contains claims for which your customers will need validation.

Place your value proposition and call to action in the first section of your sales page template to ensure they will be above the fold on the published page, as early as possible.

In many cases, your value proposition is your page headline, while your call to action is a button near the top.

Address common concerns and objections near the bottom of the page, and repeat your call to action as needed, based on your voice-of-customer data.

Use your document editor to create basic hierarchies, like headlines and subheads or sidebar blocks.

Share your first draft with other stakeholders, like your sales or product marketing team. Ask them to review it.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T10:44:45Z