Work with data in BigQuery

Business Benefits

Work with BigQuery using SQL language that allows you to communicate with your database.

Learn to choose specific columns from table, using google_political_ads public dataset and advertiser_stats table in this dataset.

Click on Add data > Explore public datasets > Search and enter political advertising on Google.

Explore the tables to understand the data you will query.

The basic SQL query contains a SELECT statement, then the list of columns you want to select and FROM statement to indicate where you want to choose your columns from. Construct the table address for the table in BigQuery as: your-project-name.your-dataset-name.your-table

Use this query to select unique region values from the advertiser_stats table in bigquery-public-data.google_political_ads dataset:

SELECT distinct regions FROM `bigquery-public-data.google_political_ads.advertiser_stats`

## Use SQL aggregate functions to summarize the rows of a group into a single value.

Some basic aggregate functions are:

- `COUNT`: Calculate the number of elements.
- `COUNTIF`: Calculate the number of elements with a condition.
- `SUM`: Sum.
- `AVG`: Average.
- `MIN`: Minimal value.
- `MAX`: Maximal value.

Use a `GROUP BY` statement with your aggregate function. Try this query:

SELECT regions, sum(total_creatives) as creatives FROM bigquery-public-data.google_political_ads.advertiser_stats GROUP BY regions ORDER BY creatives DESC
```- total_creatives: total number of election ads the advertiser ran with at least one impression;

  • regions: list of regions where the ads of this advertiser were served.

In this query we get the number of ads impressions per region or group of regions, and then we sort the table by the number of impressions to see the most important regions first. Use AS to name a column.

Filter the columns you chose to have only relevant data in your query result.

Use the WHERE function to filter the data you want to display in your query result: in the previous query add the WHERE regions = "US" after the table address to get impressions for US only.

SELECT regions, sum(total_creatives) as creatives
FROM `bigquery-public-data.google_political_ads.advertiser_stats`
WHERE regions = "US"
GROUP BY regions
ORDER BY creatives DESC

Replace the WHERE statement with `WHERE regions like "%EU%"`:

SELECT regions, sum(total_creatives) as creatives
FROM bigquery-public-data.google_political_ads.advertiser_stats
WHERE regions like “%EU%”
GROUP BY regions
ORDER BY creatives DESC

Try your own WHERE filter with one of these basic WHERE expressions:

- `=, >, =,
- `STARTS_WITH(column, 'value') `
- `OR, AND`
- `IN('value', 'value', ….), NOT IN`
- `LIKE "%x%"`

## Use `CASE WHEN` function to rename or replace values if a condition is respected.

Use `CASE WHEN` statement to change your data in the query result to make it more clear for those who'll see the result table.

Syntax: `CASE expr WHEN value THEN result [WHEN ...] [ELSE else_result] END`

Try this query replacing *regions* in the previous query by:

CASE WHEN regions LIKE "%EU%" THEN "Europe" WHEN regions = "US" THEN "United States" ELSE "Other" END as regions,

SELECT CASE WHEN regions LIKE "%EU%" THEN "Europe" WHEN regions = "US" THEN "United States" ELSE "Other" END as regions, sum(total_creatives) as creatives FROM ```


## Use table `advertiser_weekly_spend `with its date `field week_start_date` to test date functions.

Try this query to calculate the spend, available in **`spend_inr`** field, per week:

SELECT EXTRACT(Week FROM week_start_date) AS week, SUM(spend_inr) AS money_spend FROM `bigquery-public-data.google_political_ads.advertiser_weekly_spend` GROUP BY week
```In this query we use `EXTRACT(Week FROM week_start_date)` to analyze to get only the week number.


Try the next query transforming **`week_start_date`** to the Month rounding the date to the first of every month:

SELECT DATE_TRUNC(week_start_date, MONTH) AS Month, SUM(spend_inr) money_spend FROM `bigquery-public-data.google_political_ads.advertiser_weekly_spend` GROUP BY Month ORDER BY Month

Create your own query with some basic date functions:

- `EXTRACT(year/month/day/week/weekday FROM orderDate)`
- `DATETIME(orderDate)`
- `FORMAT_DATE("%b-%d-%Y", DATE "2008-12-25")  = Dec-25-2008`
- `PARSE_DATE(format_string, date_string) ex. PARSE_DATE("%x", "12/25/08")`

## Learn to use JOINs and UNION ALL functions to analyze data from several tables.

Add one table to another by using `UNION ALL`:

SELECT * FROM `table_2019`
SELECT * FROM `table_2020`
```To use `UNION ALL`, the table must have the same column. Use `JOIN`s when the columns you want to analyze are in two or more tables:

- Choose the table you want to join.
- The type of join like LEFT or RIGHT.
- Name the tables in the query to use this name with the fields, to indicate from which table you extract this column.
- Use `ON` or `USING` to indicate the common field in two tables.

Join `advertiser_stats` and `creative_stats` to get the number of specific URLs `(ad_url)` used in ads per advertiser.

SELECT ad.advertiser_name AS advertiser, COUNT(ad_url) AS URLs                                FROM `bigquery-public-data.google_political_ads.advertiser_stats` ad                            JOIN `bigquery-public-data.google_political_ads.creative_stats` cr                                      ON ad.advertiser_id = cr.advertiser_id GROUP BY advertiser

Try to create your own query using different types of `JOIN`s depending on the data you want to prioritize:

![Image 8](

## Learn to work with nested and repeated fields in BigQuery.

Nested and repeated fields are how BigQuery maintains denormalized data. Nested fields are the table inside your table:


Find the example of nested fields in `google_analytics_sample` dataset:


To query this type of data, you need the `UNNEST` function. Try out this query to get the destination pages for Google Analytics sessions, the pages are in the `hits` table inside big analytics table `ga_sessions`:

SELECT hits.hitNumber AS hitNumber,                                                  AS pagePath                                                                                        FROM `bigquery-public-data.google_analytics_sample.ga_sessions_*`,                UNNEST(hits) as hits                                                                                                         WHERE hits.hitNumber = 1                                                                                                  GROUP BY hitNumber, pagePath

## Create a table, a view, or a scheduled query based on your query.

Save your query if you need to run it periodically. Save a view if you want to address the query result as a table. You can query a view as you would query a table, but it's not a real table so it doesn't use any storage.


Save one of your queries. When saving your query choose if you want to make it personal or available on the project level, so your colleagues can see it:


Create a view based on one of your queries. When you create a view you need to specify project, dataset, table, and give your table a name:


This is how the view looks:


Create a real table based on your query if you need one, for example, you want to delete your old table that your query is based on, so you create a new table with the data you need:



Schedule a query if you want it to run it regularly, to get the fresh data and feed your existing table:

1. Choose the periodicity.
2. Choose the destination.
3. Click on ***SCHEDULE***.



Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T15:11:39Z

Hi Klaus - <b>%</b> is a wildcard operator. It won’t do much if the data is limited to two-character region codes, but if you had <i>EU</i> in some entries and <i>Europe</i> or <i>europe</i> in others, <code>like “%EU%”</code> should catch all three.

Thanks Naomi. That’s clear.

Could you elaborate what the % does in the “%EU%” example?