Scale your content creation and publishing

Business benefits

Increase reach and brand visibility when posting content more often, without sacrificing quality, depth, or consistency.

Consider hiring or assigning someone to act as content manager or editor-in-chief.

They should manage content publishing, distribution, and promotion.

Establish a publishing cadence, based on your capabilities and content goals.

Choose between a weekly episode launch, which is good for repeatable content formats with standalone topics, or a miniseries drop, which is good for a shorter content collection or linear stories.

Consider the pros and cons for each, like how miniseries drops require a larger investment, but allow for more strategic promotion and faster returns.

Plan a promotional strategy that fits your chosen publishing cadence, including where, how, and when you will promote your content.

For example, for a miniseries drop, you can post a teaser video to Twitter and Instagram, run YouTube ads with the teaser, and then drop a more detailed trailer to social media, once the miniseries drop date is closer.

Create a QA checkpoint before publication. Verify that each piece of content is error free, thorough, valuable, and on brand.

For example, write a quality assurance checklist that must be checked off before a piece can be published.

Develop a strategy to bring more creativity and value to your content strategy, based on your budget and resources.

Some strategies include:

  • Working with influencers.
  • Hiring an in-house expert that understands the type of content your brand audience seeks.
  • Curating content.
  • Hosting community events and turning them into content.

Create a profile for the ideal influencer or expert that fits your brand objectives.

Include their:

  • Niche
  • Audience demographics
  • Content formats
  • Platform
  • Number of followers.

Build a list of talented influencers and creatives that you want to work with to better reach your brand audience.

Some ways to do this include:

  • Manually add people to a list when you see an influencer or expert on social media that matches your ideal influencer profile or could provide value to your brand community.
  • Use an audience research tool like SparkToro to see who your audience already engages with.
  • Use content research tools like BuzzSumo’s to find people who are creating content that performs well in your industry.
  • Find influencer reports based on category or market with influencer marketing platforms, like Upfluence or Grin.

Add curated content into your publishing schedule to fill in gaps between publishing original content.

Curated content lets you outsource some of the creative work to experts, without the time, resources, or cost. Test your mix between curated and original content to find the right balance.

Incorporate your brand’s voice and value into the curated posts.

For example, instead of just posting someone’s original work, create a round-up email newsletter that groups related industry stories into one convenient place, while also adding your own brief summary and take on each article. Make sure to also credit the original creator.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T10:45:38Z