Organize a Facebook Campaign

Business Benefits

Easily manage your advertising efforts and optimize your campaigns.

Create separate campaigns for different campaign objectives.

  • If your campaign goal is to drive ecommerce sales, create a separate campaign with the objective Conversions.
  • If your goal is to generate shares, comments, or likes, select Engagement as the campaign objective.
  • If your goal is to drive traffic to your website, select Traffic as the campaign objective.
  • If your goal is to get leads, choose Lead generation as the objective.

Create separate campaigns for separate product groups, if you run a campaign for a large webshop with multiple product categories.

For example:

  • Campaign 1: Laptops.
  • Campaign 2: Tablets.
  • Campaign 3: Smartphones.

Create separate campaigns for separate countries, if you run a global campaign targeting multiple countries.

Combine the country targeting with objective selection mentioned in the first step. For example:

  • Campaign 1: Location: USA, Objective: Conversions.
  • Campaign 2: Location: USA, Objective: Engagement.
  • Campaign 3: Location: Canada, Objective: Conversions.
  • Campaign 4: Location: Canada, Objective: Engagement.

Use ad sets for comparing different targeting methods.

Create different ad sets based on different targeting methods. For example, interest-based, lookalike audiences, custom audiences, and behavior demographic. Experiment with different targeting criteria within each of these targeting methods. For example, you can target a different set of interests in two separate ad sets.

You might test different lookalike audience sizes in two different ad sets for example, ad set 1: 1% lookalike, ad set 2: 3% lookalike. You can create ad sets for different custom audiences, for example, top 20% customers with the highest lifetime value vs other customers.

Example structure:

  • Ad set 1: Interest based; Users interested in fashion.
  • Ad set 2: Interest based; Users interested in fashion brands.
  • Ad set 3: Interest based; Users following fashion influencers.
  • Ad set 4: Lookalike audience 1%.
  • Ad set 5: Lookalike audience 5%.
  • Ad set 6: Custom audience, all customers.

Use multiple ads within each of the ad sets, to test different creatives or different pages.

Use 4-6 ads per ad set and test different approaches, for example:

  • Picture vs video.
  • Long copy vs short copy.
  • Emotional copy vs rational copy.
  • Pure product picture vs product in a lifestyle context.
  • Product detail page vs product category page as landing page.

Use a granular structure for easier optimization decisions.

Evaluate the performance on the campaign level:

  • Identify underperforming campaigns and deactivate them.
  • Identify the best performing campaigns and increase the budget for them.

Evaluate the performance of different audiences on the ad set level:

  • Identify the best-performing audiences and scale them, for example, increase the budgets and target them in a separate campaign with alternative products.

Evaluate the ad creative performance on the ad level:

  • Identify which ads perform best. Take all the elements in the account, for example, copy style, copy length, calls to action, design assets, and photo type.
  • Use the learnings as an inspiration for new ads.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T16:10:29Z