Increase conversions on your Facebook ads



Business Benefits

Get more conversions for your advertising spend.

Write ad copy that clearly describes what problem your product or service is solving.

  • Choose a problem or pain point that you want to address in the ad.
  • Make sure that the copy is clear about what the product or service is all about.
  • Prequalify the prospect with a clear and relevant call to action.

Design images or videos that will grab your audience’s attention and make them stop scrolling the newsfeed.

  • With video, you have less than a second to grab someone’s attention.
  • Don’t use clickbait in your creatives. They might increase your CTR, but they will also increase the bounce rate on the landing page.
  • Use images or videos that are relevant to your audience. For example, if you are targeting millennials in your ads, featuring a baby boomer using the product in the video may not resonate with your target audience.
  • The creatives should reflect the use of the product or the problem it solves. Video is more explanatory and tends to get higher engagement.

Create subtitles for video ads if there is dialogue, using a service like REV or 3playMedia to generate a subtitle file.

About 85% of videos on Facebook are watched without sound. Use subtitles to ensure that those watching without sound still understand what your ad is trying to communicate.

Create multiple ads in the same ad set so that Facebook rotates delivery of your ads, and monitor which gains higher CTR and engagement.

Once Facebook gathers enough data, it will start showing the best performing ad more often.

Monitor CTR, CPM and CPC for all ads, and model future ads off current ads that are performing well.

Look for high CTR and low CPC and CPM - these are the best performing ads.

When you find images or videos that convert well, experiment with improving the ad headline and the first two lines of the copy.

This text is what’s visible to the user before they click Show more. Also try rewriting the whole ad to address a different problem.

Monitor the demographic data of the people who are converting and adjust the targeting to match.

On the campaign, ad set or ad level, click on View Charts and check the demographic data. In the example below we can see that the ads were predominantly shown to men, and the ages that converted were 25-44.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T11:25:26Z