Hire great CRO people

Business Benefits

Find experts to take your website or product and make it sell better.

Pick optimizers who are very good at a minimum of 2-3 disciplines, and good enough at others.

Great optimizers are polymaths who have a variety of IT, design/UX, analytics, or marketing skills. They’re very good at least at copywriting and analytics.

Choose optimizers who can think critically and ask the right questions.

Good optimizers know that there are no absolute truths and that asking the right questions will help them find the right test hypotheses:

  • What’s the context? Who is deciding over what? Who all are involved?
  • What does the purchasing process and cycle look like?
  • Why are people doing what they’re doing on the product page? Is it what they want to do, or is it because of the way the layout is designed?
  • What matters to them when shopping for this service?
  • Which emotional triggers matter here?
  • Is it cause or correlation? Or random?

Hire optimizers who understand how people work, to know how to influence their behavior.

Optimizers need to:

  • Have an idea of how people generally view and use websites.
  • Know what persuades people to take action.
  • Stay up to date with the latest neuromarketing and persuasion research.
  • Be familiar with a variety of psychological triggers and the effect they have in the right context.
  • Understand cognitive biases and how they might affect people’s judgement.
  • Know what System 1 and System 2 thinking are, and how to deal with them.

Hire optimizers who aren’t afraid of numbers, data, or analytics, and have a good command of statistics.

Ask potential optimizers for a replay of activity like favorite or regularly used reports, to find out if they can articulate their patterns. This separates those who pretend to do stuff in Google Analytics, from those who can recall in a non-theory way, and demonstrates things like critical thinking, drilling, curiosity, and segmentation.

Great optimizers need to:

  • Have a good command of one or more analytics tools and know what to look for.
  • Be able to check what people are or aren’t doing on a website, page by page.
  • Know how to identify where a website is leaking money.
  • Be able to turn quantified data into insights.
  • Know enough about statistics to understand things like statistical significance, statistical power, probability, and the importance of sample sizes, the representativeness of the samples, and data pollution.

Look for optimizers with persuasive copywriting skills who can write user-centric copy that’s both interesting, and articulates value.

Great optimizers base their copy on qualitative research, have a process for copy analysis, and are able to pinpoint what’s missing or bad, and suggest better alternatives.

Hire articulate, confident, and vocally curious optimizers who ask a lot of questions and are good with people.

Great optimizers are ambitious and like winning. They are able to explain what they’re doing and what’s going on, fend off stupid ideas, say no, and get the right action done, even when the client doesn’t want to do it.

Hire optimizers who can identify good design and user experience.

Optimizers need to have the ability to tell good design apart from bad design, and articulate the difference. They should be always asking, how can we improve the experience here? and have a library of what tends to typically work better, stored in their memories.

Choose optimizers with at least, basic coding skills.

Setting up A/B tests that involve more than just changing button copy requires basic coding skills. Optimizers need to have at least a basic level of command of HTML/CSS, and know their way around browser consoles to troubleshoot things and get stuff done themselves, fast.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T11:50:28Z

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