Draw a Cugelman Emotion Map

Business benefits

Identify how your content speaks to different groups of audience members.

Draw an x–axis with Painful on the left end and Pleasant on the right end.

Draw a y–axis with Passive and unfocused on the bottom end and Energetic and attentive on the top end.

Draw arrows from the center (0,0) to the outer corners. Label the top left arrow More stress, the top right More control, the bottom right Less stress, and the bottom left arrow Less control.

Label the top left quadrant as INSECURE. Provide a solution to remove pain points to motivate audience members in this quadrant.

People in this quadrant who receive a promise to remove a threat or negative situation will be happy and motivated to act.

Motivational tactics to move your audience toward action in this segment include playing on their feelings of loss aversion, offering a solution to avoid a threat, or engaging your audience’s fear of missing out (FOMO).

Label the top right quadrant as OPTIMISTIC. Offer something your audience wants and doesn’t currently have to motivate audience members in this quadrant.

People in this quadrant who can receive something good will be happy and motivated to take advantage of an opportunity.

Consumers in this quadrant feel fortunate if they act. Thus, they will be motivated by excitement, incentives, rewards, and opportunity-driven actions to improve their current state.

Label the bottom right quadrant as SECURE. Form long-term relationships with customers in this quadrant, using motivational tactics like loyalty strategies or customer support and satisfaction prioritization.

People in this quadrant don’t want to move and won’t feel motivated to act.

Building loyal relationships makes current customers more resistant to defection in favor of your competition.

Label the bottom left quadrant as PESSIMISTIC. Move audience members out of this quadrant using personalized strategies to re-engage them and address their issues.

People in this quadrant are demotivated by fear of gaining pain and thus are unmotivated to act because they want to avoid the situation getting worse.

Customers in the pessimistic quadrant feel disempowered, powerless, and insulted, and they are ripe for defection. Improve their experience to avoid bad word of mouth and long-term reputation damage.

Use complimentary language on conversion-oriented copy to elicit optimistic positive emotions. Don’t overdo it.

While you should not lie in your copy, flattery can raise conversion rates simply by putting your audience into a more positive mindset. Then the call to action, like providing them with a new trend report or promotional discount, can become more motivating as a result.

Avoid language that can induce stress, which makes your audience less likely to act.

For example, confusing error messages or language making your audience question their current decision-making can make them feel more stressed and less likely to act in the way you would like them to. Manipulation, lies, and other dark patterns can also induce stress. In naturally stress-inducing situations, like a broken page link, consider a cute aggression-reducing message like Amazon’s puppy strategy for broken links.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T09:52:51Z

@hesh_fekry I’ve reworked this one to focus on the Cugelman emotion map. It’s pretty basic but I think it’s useful at least.

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