Create a Facebook business page

Business Benefits

Represent your brand, attract new leads, and engage with followers.

Claim your business page with your brand name and business category.

Choose a page template that best represents your organization.

Add a short description for your business, along with your contact information, address, and business hours.

Add your brand story to the About section.

Add your business logo as the page’s profile image. Use a 2048 x 2048px PNG image and crop it appropriately for the thumbnail.

Facebook guidance for your page’s profile picture is that it displays at 170x170 pixels on computers, 128x128 pixels on smartphones, and 36x36 pixels on most feature phones. On-click, it displays up to 850px by 850px

The highest resolution Facebook will store is 2048px by 2048px. It will optimize the image for different purposes.

Create and add a cover photo or video that represents your brand and attracts your audience’s attention.

Add and edit page roles for any administrators, content creators, moderators, and advertisers that will meaningfully use your Facebook Business Page.

Add a custom call to action button that prompts your page visitors to take a desired action.

Set up Messenger auto-replies for common customer service questions.

Review your page as a visitor to pinpoint any areas that can be improved for a better page experience.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T12:15:18Z

@Olivia Clark

From Facebooks info:
<i>“<b>Your Page’s profile picture:</b>
Displays at 170x170 pixels on your Page on computers, 128x128 pixels on smartphones and 36x36 pixels on most feature phones.”</i>

On-click, it displays up to 850px by 850px, but the highest resolution Facebook will store is 2048px by 2048px. I would recommend the highest possible in png, and let facebook optimize it for different purposes.

Thank you :slight_smile:

What size and format is recommended for the image?