Craft effective, unique value propositions

Business benefits

Build a logical and persuasive case for customers choosing you over your competition.

Create a spreadsheet with columns for Product feature, Unique, Pain point, Severity, Frequency, Total score, and Desirable outcome.

Use a template like CXL’s feature positioning and UVP headlines worksheet to simplify the process.

List your product’s key features in Product features. Get input from other teams, like product development and sales, to be as comprehensive as possible.

If a feature is unique to your product, enter Yes in the Unique column.

This allows you to focus only on unique features for the rest of the worksheet and exercise.

Enter the most closely related customer pain point for each feature in Pain point.

Score pain points from 1-5 in Severity and Frequency, based how important they are to your audience and how often they occur.

Add up the scores from Severity and Frequency in Total score. List how the product can ideally solve each pain point in Desirable outcome.

Each desirable outcome is a way in which the pain point is solved. Treat them as the improvements your product can make to help your audience solve the pain point, which will guide your value proposition.

Order features by Total score, and turn the unique features and outcomes into value propositions with a formula like: [Achieve specific desire] with the [only/largest/most] [product type] that [does valuable unique thing].

When choosing the value proposition type:

  • Achieving enhancement is best for frequent pain points with lower severity.
  • Eliminating pain is based around pain points with high severity.

Score the unique value propositions from 1-10 on specificity, uniqueness, desire, clarity, and succinctness, and move forward with the highest-scoring UPS.

When using the ten-point scale for each of the five variables:

  • Specificity is how detailed your value proposition is.
  • Uniqueness is how many other products in your niche could say the same thing.
  • Desire is how the USP focuses on what the customer actually wants.
  • Clarity is whether your audience would understand it even without context.
  • Succinctness is how tight it is and how few filler words are included.

Split test your top unique value propositions against each other to validate their performance with your audience.

Adjust your value proposition based on the reader’s probable level of awareness about your product.

When developing a USP for existing or broad products with an established customer base, focus more on the unique aspects of your product. For new or niche products that don’t yet have an established market or proven business model, focus the USP more on the problem your customers face over differentiation.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T10:08:40Z