Conduct a conversion copy teardown of a sales page



Business Benefits

Improve your sales page conversion rate – spot improvements and missing copy elements.

Create a spreadsheet with columns for Conversion Requirement, Relevant Funnel Pages, Checklist Item, Score, Details, and Potential Solution.

Enter conversion categories to the Conversion requirement column, and copy and paste questions about the page into the Checklist item column, under the relevant category.

  • Orient Upon Entrance
    • Does the header copy explain what the product is?
    • Does the header copy match the pre-click ad or SERP copy?
    • Does the copy clearly call out who the product is for?
    • Is there a clear, visually dominant page goal that leads further into the funnel?
  • Appeal to User Motivation
    • Does the copy focus on the acquisition of desired outcomes or the elimination of pain points?
    • Are these desires or pain points described specifically and vividly?
    • Does the copy clearly bridge the product to these the acquisition of these desires?
  • Convey Unique Value
    • Does the copy clearly explain what advantages the product has over other existing solutions?
    • Does the copy support claims of these advantages with objective proof points?
    • Does the copy support claims of these advantages with clear demonstrations or previews?
  • Establish Credibility
    • Does the copy include endorsements from customers who fit the target market?
    • Does the copy include endorsements from high-profile media?
    • Does the copy include impressive metrics that summarize the product’s popularity?
    • Are these testimonials or endorsements easily verifiable?
  • Address Objections/Fears
    • Does the copy offer any guarantees or other reassurances to minimize perceived risk?
    • Does the copy clearly address conversion-critical questions from prospects?
  • Present the Offer
    • Does the CTA copy focus on acquiring value or a desired outcome?
    • Is the CTA the most visually dominant element in the viewport?
    • Does the CTA copy make it clear what the user will get upon converting?
    • Does the offer consciously maximize value and minimize cost, both visually and verbally?
    • Does the offer include any time-sensitive incentives to increase urgency to act?
  • Form Design
    • Does the form ask for the least amount of information required to complete the transaction or qualify a lead?
    • Is the layout of input fields as simple as possible - ideally a single column?
    • Are the input labels easily and always visible, not relying on placeholder copy?
    • Are input field formats carefully chosen to minimize errors and effort?
    • Does the form clearly and visibly explain what the user error is, where it is located, and how to fix it?
    • Does the form avoid making the user start again if there’s an error?
    • Does the page include any trust logos for secure payment and the like?
    • Does the form include a way to get help if payment isn’t working?
    • Does the form include some copy that helps bolster the confidence and interest of the user at the moment of purchase? For example, a glowing testimonial, list of what you’re getting, or reiterating a risk-free guarantee.

Create a dropdown list with entries for 0 - not done, 1 - needs improvement, and 2 - executed well in each cell of the Score column.

Start the sales page evaluation by discussing or thinking about questions in the Checklist item column.

Select an answer for each question in the Score column, add any relevant funnel page URLs, and enter additional information and solution ideas.

Start improving your copy by adding missing copy elements and improving mediocre ones.

Prioritize elements that have a score of 0 or 1.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T11:15:36Z

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