Communicate a compelling promised land your product helps customers reach

Business benefits

Create motivation and urgency around choosing your product with a positioning story that promises a desirable result and is backed by proof.

Define the high stakes change your customers face that your product helps to navigate.

Identify a common frustration that is affecting your target audience. Use this as the villain that is inhibiting change and exacerbating pain for your ideal customers.

Mine your industry, customer interviews, product reviews, industry forums, and other customer insights for commonalities and themes.

Look for answers to questions like:

  • What common problem was getting in the way of improving your life?
  • What is the one thing you no longer have to do or use that was once painful, inefficient, or eroding results?
  • What were you struggling with before buying [product]?

Do not use your competitors as your villain. For example, Slack says that email is the villain that stands in the way of its customers becoming more communicative, productive, and successful at work.

Describe the desired end state, or promised land, that states how your ideal customer will face the change in the new world, defeat the villain, and become a better version of themselves.

The promised land is not your platform or product; it is what they get or become thanks to your platform.

For example, Drift promises a new world of marketing called conversational marketing, where there are no forms, fewer steps, quicker results, and more successful marketers.

Explain why the promised land is difficult to reach without help and what they can achieve thanks to your product.

List key product features that could act as superpowers and support customers in transforming to reach the promised land.

Gather ideas by reviewing or conducting customer interviews and research, talking with your product team, and asking your customer facing teams for feedback.

Read through customer interviews, looking for repeated words and themes expressed by multiple customers that answer the questions:

  • What is the one most compelling benefit you received from [product]?
  • How would you describe your world or work after using [product]?
  • What element of the solution is the MOST important or impactful to you?
  • What are the top 5 elements of the solution you value most?
  • If you were going to provide a referral to a friend or colleague, how would you describe the change you experienced once adopting [product]?
  • How would you get a colleague to consider the solution?
  • What concrete results have you achieved?

Narrow your list of potential superpowers to those that are unique, loved, or effective.

If your product is not unique, focus the most on which product features are loved. Look at product reviews, interview answers, testimonials, social media comments, and insights from your customer-facing teams to see which product features are most raved about.

Source peer and influencer reviews and testimonials that show people like us doing things like this to get to the promised land using your product.

Look through product reviews on your website or review sites, using a social listening tool like Hootsuite to mine social media comments, and ask influencers who appeal to your target audience to use your product.

Don’t focus on reviews that say great product! Instead, choose testimonials that support why your product has positively improved the person’s life.

Collect at least 3 strong proof points, such as testimonials and data backed results.

When possible, include a photo of the customer (with permission), a mention of real results, and highlight the most important parts of the testimonial that hint at results or community.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T10:13:48Z