Build an attribution model with BigQuery ML

Business Benefits

Build attribution models tailored to fit your business and domain area.

Use tools like the SegmentStream JavaScript SDK to collect and store all possible website interactions and micro-conversions in Google Big Query.

For example, micro-conversions that could be collected on an ecommerce product page for a fashion website include image impressions, image clicks, checking size, selecting size, adding to cart, and adding to wishlist.

You can also do the same by exporting hit-level data into Google BigQuery with Google Analytics 360, which has a built-in export to BigQuery. Google Analytics API will not work here, as it provides aggregated data, while hit-level data is required for ML. But new GA4 data will work.

Process the raw data into attributes, where every session has a set of features and a label.

Other examples of features include:

  • Recency features. How long ago an event or micro-conversion happened in a certain timeframe;
  • Frequency features. How often an event or micro-conversion happened in a certain timeframe;
  • Monetary features. The monetary value of events or micro-conversions that happened in a certain timeframe;
  • Contextual features. Information about user device, region, screen resolution, etc.;
  • Feature permutations. Permutations of all above features to predict non-linear correlations.

Use SQL code to train a model with all possible non-linear permutations, learning and validation set splits, etc. within the Google BigQuery data warehouse.

For example, to create a model that predicts the probability to buy in the next 7 days based on a set of behavioral features, you just need to run an SQL query like this one:




      ( model_type = 'logistic_reg') 


       labels.buyDuring7Days AS label




```Replace `projectId` with your own Google Cloud project ID, `segmentstream` with your own dataset name, `mlModel` with your own model name, `mlLearningSet` with the name of the the table with your features and labels, and `labels.buyDuring7Days` with your own label.

## Use a simple query to evaluate and visualize all the characteristics of your model.

For example, the following query visualizes the precision-recall curve, precision and recall vs. threshold, and ROC curve:

          ML.EVALUATE(MODEL `projectId.segmentstream.mlModel`,
                      labels.buyDuring7Days as label
                      date > 'YYYY-MM-DD'
         STRUCT(0.5 AS threshold)
## Apply your model to behavior-based attribution.

For instance, if you have a model that predicts the probability of a user to buy within the next seven days, you can use it to allocate value to different traffic sources, predict the user's probability to buy at the beginning and end of the session, and calculate the value between the beginning and end of the session. You could create the following table for each user session in your Google BigQuery database, where:

- **session_start_p** is the predicted probability to buy in the beginning of the session.
- **session_end_p** is the predicted probability to buy at the end of the session.
- **attributed_delta** is the value allocated to the session.

![table with purchasing behavior data.](

This would then produce values for all tracked channels/campaigns based on how they impact a user's probability to buy in the next 7 days during the session:

![full attribution model illustrated.](

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T16:01:29Z

Thanks a lot for the quick answer! I read the blog post as well and was just wondering if they really used all of the described features or if they broke it down to a handful which had the most impact on the purchase outcome. But I think thats something that only the author could answer :slight_smile:

@David Stöckli Ill contact the author and ask. Hopefully a quick response too :slight_smile:

Hi @David Stöckli, good question.

The blog expands on this in a bit more detail.

"When comparing simple, algorithmic attribution models, it’s important to collect and analyze hundreds and thousands of different events. Below, for example, are different micro-conversions that could be collected on an ecommerce product page for a fashion website:

Image impressions;
Image clicks;
Checking size;
Selecting size;
Reading more details;
Viewed size map;
Adding to Wishlist;
Adding to cart, etc.

Some micro-conversions have more predictive power than you might expect. For example, after building our model, we found that viewing all images on a product page has enormous predictive power for future purchases.

In standard ecommerce funnels, analysis of product pageviews with one image viewed is the same as product pageviews with all images viewed. A full analysis of micro-conversions is far different.

We use SegmentStream JavaScript SDK, part of our platform, to collect all possible interactions and micro-conversions and store them directly in Google BigQuery. But you can do the same if you export hit-level data into Google BigQuery via the Google Analytics API or if you have Google Analytics 360, which has a built-in export to BigQuery.

Once raw data is collected, it should be processed into attributes, where every session has a set of features (e.g., device type) and a label (e.g., a purchase in the next 7 days):

description of features and labels in bigquery database.
This dataset can now be used to train a model that will predict the probability of making a purchase in the next 7 days."

How do you select the features that should be incorporated into the model?