Find popular products with heatmaps

Business Benefits

See which products website visitors engage with the most.

Open a heatmap for your homepage to see if product categories or featured products are getting engagement.

Products with warmer overlays - oranges and reds - show which products visitors are clicking on the most.

View heatmaps for key category pages to determine which products inside a category are getting more engagement from visitors.

Use a scroll heatmap to see how far down a product page visitors scroll and look for the effective fold of your scroll heatmap.

Scroll heatmaps can help you understand if products toward the end of the page are less popular with visitors because they’re less desirable or if its because people are never making it to the bottom of the page. The effective fold is the point where 50% of website visitors stopped scrolling.

Compare product information from heatmaps to conversion data.

See if the products that are getting the most clicks as shown are the heatmaps are also getting the most conversions. You can spot opportunities to increase conversions if products are getting clicks on the heatmap but low conversions.

Identify changes to increase sales for products with low conversions.

  • Evaluate pricing for the product to see if it’s comparable to competitors
  • Review inventory. Are visitors unable to purchase popular products because of low inventory?
  • If there are no apparent issues with pricing or inventory, see if technical issues like code errors or browser compatibility issues are keeping visitors from converting

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T11:35:46Z