Maximize every brand touchpoint

Business benefits

Create a consistent and powerful brand experience.

Conduct a brand audit to understand how your audience comes in contact with your company and the experiences your company provides.

Compile a list, and collect examples of all the way people in the outside world interact with your brand. Create a cross-functional team to help with the audit, and share the work their team does now that touches members of your target audience.

Align all brand touchpoints with your customer journey in a brand touchpoint map.

Include touchpoints at all stages of the sales funnel and customer journey, from initial product research to onboarding and loyalty programs.

List the internal groups responsible for each touchpoint, and compile the touchpoints by group or function.

For example, all interactions your sales team has with potential customers might be in one group, with all brand marketing tactics you currently use in another.

Review industry and analyst reports on your audience to understand the typical touchpoints they look for.

Analyze consumer research, ratings, and KPIs for each touchpoint to evaluate its effectiveness and what it can add to the overall brand experience.

If a touchpoint subtracts from your intended brand experience, revamp or eliminate it.

Create an action plan for your 5-7 most high-impact touchpoints in need of improvement.

Focus on misaligned touchpoints that are impactful enough to need help immediately. Set key milestones for improving these touch points, and measure your progress along the way.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T10:45:29Z