Design and execute tests to validate your positioning story

Business benefits

Develop a strong foundation for your marketing efforts.

Define your positioning story, including the end state or promised land your product helps customers achieve and the simple promise your brand makes about that transformation.

Define your ideal customer profile (ICP).

Work with sales representatives and customer facing staff to identify at least 5 customers or prospects fitting your ICP with whom you can test your positioning story.

Decide whether your team will use live pitches, user testing software, or both to test your positioning story.

Tests may include live sales pitches with a version of your sales pitch modified for your new positioning story, user tests of your website, A/B tests with multiple versions of your website copy, and small PPC campaigns using your simple promise as the title. Use tools like UserTesting or Userfeel to conduct user tests.

To modify your sales pitch for the test, lay out your positioning story in the following order: simple promise, change, stakes, promised land, villain, superpowers, and, lastly, proof. Test multiple simple promises by creating a different versions of the pitch. Ask your sales team to collect insights from your audience after they see the slide deck.

To modify website and landing pages for the test, follow the same order, and include proof points right below the simple promise and throughout the entire page.

If using user testing software, create a list of screener questions to confirm potential test participants fit the profile of your best customer who will provide the most relevant insights. Use why and how questions, rather than yes or no questions, and avoid leading questions.

Conduct user tests and live pitches, and record insights about what was most effective and what did not resonate with the positioning story you are testing.

Ask questions like how they arrived at that decision or why they chose what they chose. Go beyond the surface level. Review best practices from UserTesting.

Analyze insights from the test to refine your positioning story and its elements.

Last edited by @hesh_fekry 2023-11-14T10:45:41Z